Host Wildfire Town Halls on Facebook Live

Urge the County Commissioners to host Wildfire Town Halls on Facebook Live to share info and answer questions about wildfire and evacuation safety

Every wildfire season, Garfield County residents are eager to know what advancements are being made to help keep our families safe in the event of a wildfire. We want the opportunity to ask questions, share concerns, and learn about what’s being done to address issues such as the traffic congestion on potential evacuation routes.

Urge the county commissioners to follow the lead of other proactive counties in Colorado and hold regular Wildfire Town Halls on Facebook Live. 

View Summit County Commissioners Wildfire Town Halls as an example of the kind of community service and open communication that our commissioners could be providing.

GarCo Dem Guest Opinion in the Post Independent: Smart steps toward wildfire and evacuation safety

Share a public comment time at the commissioners' meeting or send them an email. See how to contact our county commissioners.

Garfield County Democratic Party
PO Box 2637
Glenwood Springs, CO 81602

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Registered Agent: Donna Yost
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